The best way to choose your wedding photographer is meeting them in person. The best place to do this is at a wedding fayre. I'll have all my sample albums and other products on display, you can ask me any questions and tell me about your wedding plans. You'll also be able to see many other wedding suppliers, all under the same roof. A great opportunity to gather inspiration and ideas. Here's a list of the wedding fayres I'm attending soon:
Wedding events with dates still to be confirmed:
As a recommended supplier, I regularly attend wedding open events with the following venues: Gisborough Hall, Walworth Castle (near Darlington), Solberge Hall (near Northallerton); Redworth Hall (Newton Aycliffe); The Croft (Darlington), Alexander Weddings (Lake Henry, near Northallerton) and many others. These are often arranged only a couple of weeks before so please keep checking back here for updates.
The above list was updated on the 9th January 2025.